All posts by Istvan Forgacs
Shift-Left vs Test-First, Which One To Choose?
Twenty years ago, the test-first method became popular thanks to Kent Beck’s famous book Test Driven Development: By Example.
April 14, 2023
7 Min Read
Fault-Based Testing and the Pesticide Paradox
In some sense, testing can be more difficult than coding, as validating the efficiency of the test cases (i.e., the ‘goodness’ of your tests) can be much harder than validating code correctness. In practice, the tests are just executed without any validation beyond the pass/fail verdict.
December 14, 2022
9 Min Read
Two-phase Model-based Testing
Most test automation tools just do test execution automation. Without test design involved in the whole test automation process, the test cases remain ad hoc and detect only simple bugs. This solution is just automation without real testing. In addition, test execution automation is very inefficient.
November 29, 2022
6 Min Read
And the Winner Is: Aggregate Model-based Testing
In my last blog, I investigated both the stateless and the stateful class of model-based testing. Both have some advantages and disadvantages. You can use them for different types of systems, depending on whether a stateful solution is required or a stateless one is enough.
October 27, 2022
8 Min Read
Guide to Model Based Testing To Improve Test Automation
In my preceding blog on efficient test design, I showed that using model-based testing not only improves software quality, but it’s more efficient than coding test cases. Great, but there are so many model-based testing (MBT) alternatives, how can you select among them?
September 14, 2022
10 Min Read
Efficient Test Design – The Why, Which, and How ?
Why good test design is inevitable? Many books, blog posts, etc. state that either you spend lots of money and time for testing to reach high quality or you save money but your software quality remains poor. It’s not true.
July 29, 2022
11 Min Read
A Deeper Insight into Test Design
Test automation is a hot topic, test design isn’t. However, without appropriate test design, test automation is worthless as you will execute test cases several times without detecting the bugs in your software.
July 1, 2022
10 Min Read
The Golden Age of Software Testing
LambdaTest asked me to write blogs for them. I liked the idea and accepted this kind request. I’ve been dealing with software testing since 1986. Originally, I was a researcher, and later I worked in the industry; thus, I’m knowledgeable about both the academic and the industrial side of software testing.
June 9, 2022
11 Min Read